But, this song reminds me that its okay to take a step back and let myself live from time to time. I often catch myself biting off more than I can chew to achieve my goals, as I want to get a degree in Pharmacy and Neurology and be an officer in the Navy and do so much more. My interpretation of this song is to take life slowly and live in the moment and enjoy it while you can. I've been a fan of billy since I was little and im currently 14. Jasmine Stewart from Orlando, FloridaThis song is my favorite song by far.Furthermore, I sometimes have thoughts such as, “I can’t wait to start my life, why waste my potential by continuing this dependence on my family and parents?” Although days anymore seem to be whole lifetimes, it’s important I soak up the experiences I can while young and perhaps the world or Vienna in this case isn’t done waiting yet. Often I find myself in times of impatience, it could be short term like, “I can’t wait to go on this road trip and really see the world!” Or more exciting things, for instance, I have lots of faith in myself and am sure whatever I decide to pursue in life is completely up to me and I can achieve anything I become determined to do. Abbie DawsonI have loved this song for a long time but only just now did I truly see the vitality of it’s message.They are the most supportive and helpful people I know and now I realize that my dreams and expectations of myself are mine to choose and mine to follow, not someone else’s. When my parents divorced I decided to live with my dad and my aunt. Most of my life my grandparents and mother have told me that I shouldn’t have such big ideas and that I shouldn’t leave or they’d miss me, it made me seriously doubt ever traveling and living my life. I’m almost 15 and I plan on traveling Europe and living in Vienna(another reason I like it so much) for a while. My interpretation of this song is basically what I live on, don’t let others control your life and go for your dreams, no matter how impossible they might seem. I listened to it a few more times and figured that he was quoting what the people around the subject say to them, but then reassured them that it was their life to live, not someone else’s. The first time I heard it I was confused because he says “Dream on but don’t imagine it’ll all come true” but also says “You got your passion you got your pride but don’t you know that only fools are satisfied”, having very conflicting statements, one saying that you can dream but the probably won’t come true and the other saying that you should never be satisfied and always look for more. SamI’ve always interpreted it as a message to people that you should never let someone else tell you what to do.

When he started singing Vienna, I just couldn't stop crying. I went to a Billy Joel concert a few weeks ago, because I can finnaly afford it. It's just so comforting on so many levels. Vienna is also my favorite song, and I'm a person usually without a "favorite" list.

You'd better cool it off before you burn it out Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? But then if you're so smart, well, tell me