„Images, Dialogue, and Aesthetic Education: Arendt's response to the Little Rock Crisis” (PDF). „Reassessing Hannah Arendt's "Reflections on Little Rock" (1959)”. „A Note on Max Weber's Definition of Judaism as a Pariah-Religion”. „The Reception of Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem in the United States 1963-2011”. Social Research: An International Quarterly. „Thinking with and against Hannah Arendt”. „The Unwelcome Child: Elizabeth Eckford and Hannah Arendt”. „The Arendt Cult: Hannah Arendt as Political Commentator”. „Judging the Trial: Hannah Arendt as a Moral Philosopher of Nation-State Building”.

„"Ich Bin Adolf Eichmann" Recalling the Banality of Evil” (PDF). „The Desire For And Pleasure Of Evil: The Augustinian Limitations Of Arendtian Mind”. „Hannah Arendt, 'Reflections on Little Rock,' and White Ignorance”. „Nietzsche, Arendt, and the Promise of the Future” (PDF). „An Introduction to the Thought of Hannah Arendt”. „Judging in a world of appearances: A Commentary on Hannah Arendt's Unwritten Finale”. „Hannah Arendt: A Conscious Pariah and Her People”.

Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics (35). „Hannah Arendt, Education, and Liberation : A Comparative South Asian Feminist Perspective”. „Hannah Arendt: existential phenomenology and political freedom”.